Pro Engraving Shaver Pen

Pro Engraving Shaver Pen

Pro Engraving Shaver Pen

Regular price $49.95 Sale price $24.95

These hair engraving pens are the most innovative razor using disposable blades, ideal for precise outlining of facial hair, hair styling, or creating complex hair tattoos.

Using these luxury hair engraving pens is like a painting – with the extra thin blade it’s possible to make smooth and precise moves and shape hair in any imaginable way – just like drawing with a pen on a piece of paper.

If you compare the normal razor and this one, there's a huge difference. When you use a razor, you'll need complete mastery of it but when you use this engraving pen, it will feel like drawing a gorgeous tattoo draft on a piece of paper. It's that light, convenient and portable.

Decide on your next hair tattoo design and use the Hair Engraving Pen to have that draft turn into a magical hair art.

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